psalm 91 is a trenchant exemplar of divine protection—an indispensable truth in Christian theology. This Psalm affirms the believer’s privileged invulnerability under God’s wings and births internal security, humility, and gratitude in the heart.
The psalmist describes a number of dangers from which believers will be protected: the snare of the fowler, the noisome pestilence, and the perilous plague. The snare of the fowler depicts any traps that would seek to endanger life, especially those that entice with pleasure or profit (compare Job 41:35). The noisome pestilence and the perilous plague both refer to dreaded diseases, sicknesses, and epidemics.
Verse 5 offers a striking picture of God’s protection: He will cover the faithful with his feathers and wings, like a bird covering its young. This imagery underscores the privileged invulnerability of God’s people under his wings and the impossibility of being captured by anyone or anything.
Faithful Refuge: The Timeless Wisdom of Psalm 91 in Troubled Times
The psalmist’s last two lines are particularly significant: He will preserve one from a thousand, and the help of many will be availed to him. While it is not entirely certain which Old Testament saint wrote this psalm, it may be that the writer experienced some form of persecution in the lifetime of Jesus Christ, who also endured trials and was delivered from all kinds of wickedness (cf. Mt 28:20). This passage is therefore very relevant to those in the Body of Christ who are being persecuted today. May the Lord bring comfort to those who are suffering, and strengthen their faith!