Weed Legality in Missouri

Weed Legality

Adult use of marijuana became legal in Missouri on Feb. 20, 2022, after voters approved a constitutional amendment allowing it and other changes to state law. Weed Legality in Missouri new law establishes a system to tax and regulate cannabis for adults and allows the expungement of criminal records for thousands of people who were convicted of nonviolent marijuana-related offenses in the past. It also allows individual municipalities to set their own 3 percent tax on cannabis.

Currently, state-approved dispensaries can sell up to three ounces of cannabis per transaction. Qualifying patients over 21 and their primary caregivers can purchase more if they have a physician’s certification. Adults can grow up to six mature cannabis plants at home if they obtain a license. But it’s still illegal to sell or transport cannabis across state lines.

Weed Legality in Missouri: A Quick Overview

Missouri’s new cannabis laws also include strict training requirements for workers at licensed facilities. This includes training in security measures, the statewide track and trace system, emergency response procedures, facility safety and sanitation, compliance with department rules and guidance, and more. The law requires all registrants to keep detailed documentation on site for five years, including product inventory and tracking information.

Despite the controversy over legalization, many people welcome the new weed laws. Bryce Chapman, who moved to Missouri from the Pacific Northwest, says he likes that dispensaries can open in his neighborhood with “what seems to be very little fuss.” And he likes that some marijuana-related crimes can be expunged from his record.

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